
UW Search


This started out based on Yvan's search code, adding more search options. Documentation and the download for this version is here.

Then, there was a request to make the search results integrate "better" into the UW template. I ended up basically starting over, and came up with the slightly ugly (from a programming point of view) method of grabbing the results in PHP and deleting all the extra crap so it would fit in the template. This is the version in use on Graphics' web page and, at least as of this writing, on the UW home page. Documentation and the download for this version is here.

Left Navver


Auto-generates UW left navigation from a single INI file. Opens appropriate submenus based on directory location. Documentation and download here.

Simple Auth


Really basic, not particularly secure password authentication. Built so it can be inserted into a template by a knowledgeable user, and the usernames and passwords can be updated by any user (i.e., a secretary charged with updating the page). Download here. Documentation is in the comment tags of the PHP files.