Sure, its creator calls it the Fun-O-Meter, but it dispenses ideas and that’s what makes it cool.
I love this idea. I want to create my own idea dispenser. I actually started pricing capsule vending machines on eBay…debating the merits of 1″ vs. 2″ capsules…wondering if machines that took American quarters would take Canadian quarters too. I figured I’d write my own ideas, or at least steal some good ones from the web. Set up shop outside my office at work by the design area (surely they need some cheap ideas?). I even looked at prices of capsule toys so people wouldn’t feel ripped off if they didn’t like my ideas.
It’s doable for under $100 I think, maybe even under $50, and I’ve certainly wasted more money on less cool things. If the auction I’m watching for a vending machine stays low priced, I may be in business soon.